Felix Kling

How to return data from an Ajax call?

That is another question that is frequently asked on stackoverflow.com.

The short answer: You can’t (if you don’t want to give the benefits of Ajax a miss).

Ajax #

What does Ajax stand for? It stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML and the important word here is asynchronous.

Fetching the data from the server is not done in the normal program control flow, but parallel to it.

That is why, in one way or another, you specify a callback that handles the response from the server when it is available.

Callbacks? #

One could say the philosophy about callbacks is: Don’t call us, we call you. You are not waiting for a function to return a value, but you provide another function that gets called as soon as this value is available.

So instead of doing

var val = foo();
// do some processing with val here

you do

function callback(val) {
    // do some processing with val here


This might change your the control flow and it can be tricky to convert non-callback code to callback, but it is quite powerful too. Typically, one would put all the code that has to process val into the callback.

Getting Ajax into the game #

Here is a telephone analogy: Imagine you are calling one of your colleagues (friends, fellow students, …) and ask him to do a job for you that takes some time (let’s say picking something up from somewhere). Now what would you do? Would you wait on the phone until the other person returns (e.g. waiting for an hour)? Or would you rather say: “Ey, know what? Call me back when you have my stuff. (Here is my number:…)”?

Some people seem to think that JavaScript is waiting for the call to finish (waiting on the phone) and wonder why code like

function foo() {
    var result;
   $.get("<some url>", function(data) {
       result = data;
   return result;

var val = foo();
// do some processing with val here

does not work (I’m using jQuery in this example, $.get() just makes an GET Ajax request to <some url> and executes the callback passed as second parameter).

It is because JavaScript does not wait until the Ajax request is finished. When the function is called, it will call $.get(), which will setup and send the Ajax request, but returns immediately. Then the function foo returns, before the callback passed to $.get() is even called. I.e. the assignment result = data; was not executed yet and the function returns undefined.

In order to fix this, all the logic that should operate with val has to be put into the callback:

function foo(callback) { 
    $.get("<some url>", callback); 

    // do some processing with val here

To be fair #

There is a way to make the previously not-working code work. Ajax requests can be set up to be not asynchronous (is it a Jax request then? Or Sjax?). I.e. the execution will halt and continue once the response from the server was received.
That said, this should be avoided by all means (there might be some edge cases where it is ok but it is not the normal case). One of the big advantages of Ajax is the asynchronicity. Depending on how long it takes to get the response, using a synchronous request might freeze the user interface and you gain nothing but annoyed users.